Administrative Structure

Dr. Obi Adigwe

Director General / Chief Executive Officer

Mrs. Gloria Panya

Ag Director, Human Resources Management

Mr. Dzarma Levis

Ag. Director, Finance & Accounts

The Office of the Director-General/Chief Executive oversees the entire Institute, with two (2) non-technical departments, which are (i) Department of Human Resources Management, and (ii) Department of Finance & Accounts. 

But however, the Director General’s Office has Units directly under its supervision. These Units include;

  1. Audit

  2. Legal

  3. Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation

  4. Protocol/Public Relation

  5. Library, Information & Documentation Services

  6. Procurement

  7. Information & Communication Technology

  8. NIPRD Research Clinic


  10. Consultancy Services

Key laboratories under the supervision of the Office of the Director-General / Chief Executive include;

1. Central Laboratory Facility

2. NIH/NIPRD Laboratory